It is often said that pregnancy and lower back pain go hand in hand.
Many expecting mothers experience lower back pain to a certain degree. It typically starts during the second half of pregnancy and is usually not a cause of concern, but it CAN be very painful and annoying. Things leading to back pain include:
Weight gain – changes in posture or your center of gravity – as the baby grows, the center of gravity of the body shifts. This can impinge on nerves that trigger lower back pain.
Hormonal fluctuations – some hormones cause significant stretching of the joints and ligaments. This flexibility comes at a cost, and can be associated with a decrease in strength. As a result, simple activities like walking, standing, sitting for a long time, getting out of bed, or bending over to lift something can feel painful and uncomfortable.
Did you know that carrying twins (or more) increases your chance of having low back pain during pregnancy?
All of these factors can result in pain that ranges from slight discomfort to severe, disabling pain. The good news is that the pain gradually eases in most women as the due date approaches, but this does not mean that you have to tolerate the pain until your baby arrives.
There are many ways to relieve back pain. It is crucial to choose the right method since some treatments are more effective and appropriate than others. As your physical therapists, we can help you find the right exercises to reduce stress on your back and decrease your pain.
Treatment Options That Are SAFE for Baby
To help you deal with lower back pain during pregnancy, we evaluate the cause(s) of your pain. There are combinations of different factors which vary greatly from one woman to another. Therefore, the key to a successful treatment plan for lower back pain during pregnancy depends on the identification of the cause of pain and the choice of the most appropriate treatment method for that situation.
As an expecting mother, it can be very difficult for you to determine why you have back pain, much less decide which treatment will work best for you.
The best thing you can do to deal with that dull, persisting ache in your lower back is to have your back evaluated by a one of our skilled therapists.
We will help you find the treatment options that will work best for you and more importantly, are safe for your baby too! Physical Therapy Helps Relieve Lower Back Pain During Pregnancy.
If your back hurts during pregnancy, you may want to do nothing but rest. Be advised that prolonged bed rest is generally counterproductive in the long run. Check with your doctor before beginning any exercise program, especially if you are pregnant. Then, consider physical therapy for:
Strengthening exercises to help support the back and legs.
Stretching exercises to help the back and leg muscles become more flexible to prepare your body for the baby’s arrival.
Swimming exercises to relieve tension in muscles since the buoyancy of the water supports the joints.
Walking to improve blood circulation.
Hot pack (or cold pack if you prefer) for 10 -15 minutes to provide some temporary pain relief.
Therapeutic massage (as advised by your physical therapist) can help ease muscle tension and relieve pain.
Since lower back pain during pregnancy is not always caused by the same factors, its treatment requires an individual approach to determine the best possible treatment. This treatment should be safe for the mommy-tobe and her baby.
That's why it is important not to take any chances with unproven methods which can be either ineffective or unsafe, or both.
Call us today for more information about safe and effective lower back pain treatments during pregnancy.
We will give you all the necessary information about different options and help you choose the most effective treatment for you.
You don’t need to put up with lower back pain any longer, so schedule an appointment with us right away.
"Coming to Physical Therapy Solutions was one of the best decisions I ever made in my life. My back pain has disappeared and I am now able to live pain free and go back to work. Thank you to the staff at Physical Therapy Solutions, you are indeed miracle workers, and I cannot stop telling all my friends and family about you! Thank you so much!" Arthur H Schaumburg, IL
"When I came to Physical Therapy Solutions after my surgery, I was in pain and had difficulty with movement (heel-toe walking, ankle mobility, and stairs) and had lost a great deal of muscle strength in my leg and ankle. Through the work at Physical Therapy Solutions, I am pain free, have regained full range of motion, have improved my gait and regained the strength in my leg and ankle. I am back to walking 3 – 5 miles a day and enjoying an active life again. Thank you to the therapists and assistance at Physical Therapy Solutions." Debra Woodin Hoffman Estates, IL