The human head is made up of 22 bones, which includes that of the mandible (the jaw). These 22 bones not only encase the most important structure to our conscious being, the brain, but they also create the solid framework for important sensory structures such as the eyes and ears. Injuries involving the head could mean injury to the brain or other vital structures of the head and should be considered serious.
Give Physical Therapy Solutions a call if you suffer injuries related to the head, from headaches, to concussions, to those injuries affecting the jaw, the balance system of the ear, and other head-related structures.
Shoulder pain can be brought on from something as simple as sleeping in the wrong position. Whether you have damaged your rotator cuff because you were a little too overzealous at touch football with your friends on Sunday, or you are sore from trying to weed the garden and paint the garage in one afternoon.
It is our aim to provide you with the information and tools to help you recover from a shoulder injury and to prevent future injuries from occurring.
When you have proper information about how to stay healthy, you will find that your playtime will be more rewarding, your sleep with be more sound and your daily grind won't wear you down.